
Avionics a la Geiger – We are flying on automation 

How are automation and avionics connected? The current developments of Geiger Engineering relate primarily to the area of drive automation. Our company pays particular attention to the development of very powerful, safe, electric drive systems and their connection with modern control technology derived from industrial machine control.  

The aim: Environmentally-friendly ultra-light sports aircraft , which give a more natural feeling of flying than was ever possible previously with electric power.

With our complete power system specially developed for electric flight its associated components, we are setting the bar for power and reliability and are thereby creating a new market in leisure flying.  

The benefit stretches to completely new designs involving the powertrain in the aircraft , through possible new types of flight systems to the realisation of ecologically sustainable sport flying.     


What else might be possible? 

Our plans and ideas inspire first us, then our clients.
